Tax Structure
Advantages of a Bi-State Community
The Clinton Region is a bi-state community comprised of Clinton County, Iowa, and Whiteside County, Illinois. Many of our residents work in one state and live in another, but personal income tax is paid in the state which a person resides. One of the advantages of a bi-state community is that employee and employer have a choice of state and community options regarding tax structure.
Information about our region’s different tax structures for individuals and businesses can be obtained through the Iowa Department of Revenue and the Illinois Department of Revenue, or you can call CRDC and speak with our staff.
Iowa Clinton Region
The Clinton Region is better positioned than any other region when it comes down to the tax advantages that are offered. The summary table below and the tax discussion that follow provide current data on the principal taxes in the State of Iowa.
Illinois Clinton Region
One of the many advantages of the Clinton Region is that it provides you and your company options. Options of what state and community will benefit your corporation.
Sources: Smart Asset